Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)
The following framework presentations have been made to the Board of Education so far this year.
Clicking on the image will take you to the slideshow presentation and clicking on the link below the image will take you to the school’s website and the full document.
Alwin Holland Elementary – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Anne Roberts Young Elementary – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Bert Bowes Middle School – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
École Central Elementary School of the Arts – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Dr. Kearney Middle School – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Robert Ogilvie Elementary – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
* the above slide show includes information for both Upper Halfway & Wonowon schools.
Upper Halfway School – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Wonowon School – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Upper Pine Elem-Jr Secondary – Framework for Enhancing Student Learning