Superintendent’s Report – September 2024

Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)

** click here to see the full Framework Plan

Back on Track!

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Paille


Student Learning – Intellectual Development, Human & Social Development, Career & Skill Development

FESL 2024

Please see the proposed 2024 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Reports (included in the Board Meeting attachments).


Alignment with Board Strategic Plan

Please see the spreadsheet (included in the Board Meeting attachments), which includes some preliminary work on aligning programs and resources to respond to the Board Strategic Plan of “Operations” and “Student Learning”.


SD60 Board Strategic Plan


Student Vote – British Columbia 2024

Student Vote is a program of CIVIX, a national charity dedicated to empowering school-aged youth with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to be active and informed citizens.

The Student Vote program for the British Columbia provincial election is presented in collaboration with Elections BC.


People Development

Teacher Staffing

Current # of teachers on a Letter of Permission (LOP) – 24 (FTE of 18.721)

  •         3 are internationally trained and have also applied for their BC Teaching Certificates

Unfilled Enrolling

  •         Buick Creek – 1 (.8 FTE)  
  •         Dr. Kearney – 1 (1.0 FTE – medical)
  •         ELC – 1 (1.0 FTE)
  •         NPSS -1 (1.0 FTE)
  •         Wonowon 1 (1.0 FTE) (additional teacher)

TTOC List:

  •         September 17th was the first day that we were fully deployed with all available TTOC’s.
  •         We have more TTOC’s that will be becoming available as Winter comes in and more TTOC applications coming in and interviews happening.
  •         As of September 17th, 35 Certified and 30 Non-Certified TTOC’s are on the list.

Teacher Recruitment:

  •         Indeed Career Fairs are doing well and have generated a few hires.  We are able to replace some of our less successful fairs with these fairs resulting in less time away from the office and lower travel costs. Minimum of 3 positions filled through Indeed Career Fairs.
  •         Thanks to Alex Bacso, we have made strides in understanding and navigating immigration, which has opened the potential for a few more viable candidates.
  •         In September 2023, we had 8 enrolling vacancies.
  •         We had rural vacancies filled earlier this year than in previous years.


Literacy Workshops for Teachers:

Introduction to the Heggerty Program:


Words Their Way Workshops:


Refresh of the ERASE website (click on the image below to take you to the website)


Parent-School Communications

Parents/caregivers are important partners when it comes to student success at school.   Positive communication between home and school creates a cohesive school community and positively impacts students’ academic performance and attendance (Bergman, 2012). 

Schools and families can work together to promote Social Emotional Learning in the classroom and at home through genuine school-family partnerships.  This partnership involves two-way communication between teachers and families and the participation of family members in students’ education both at home and in school (Casel, 2020).

For strategies and steps in working with your school, please see the linked document below.

Family & School Communication Strategies



Safe Access Zones 2024-2025

The Safe Access to Schools Act gives the Province the legal authority to prohibit people from interfering with safe access to school grounds. This includes behaviour such as yelling that causes disruptions to school programs and activities or holding signs with slogans that cause concern for the safety of students and staff. 

Access zones are in place at K-12 schools and police can arrest or issue tickets to anyone found impeding access, disrupting or interfering with educational activities, or attempting to intimidate an individual within 20 meters (66 feet) of school property.  The zones will be in effect on school days from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. and during extracurricular school activities at all of B.C.’s K-12 public and independent schools, with limited exceptions.



Truth & Reconciliation

Leadership Book Study of “Wayi Wah!” – Jo Chrona

The Leadership group is undertaking professional development with a book study throughout the school year.


Anti-Racism Initiatives

The Leadership group reviewed the teacher guide on anti-racism made available by the Ministry of Education and Child Care.

As a group, we started to look at how we are systematically responding to racism:


Big Rocks 2024-2025

Each year, the leadership team looks at some of the educational and operational priorities that are emerging:


“Take 3”

French Immersion Program

Lynne Cote-Aubin, District Coordinator – French Immersion Program



Bert Bowes Middle School

Design / Maker Day – Friday, Sept. 6th – Week #1 community builder activity

Classes were given boxes of materials and worked in small groups designing one of three items:   a ferris wheel, a foosball table or a pinball machine.

Once created, students took their creations to the next level by challenging others around the school with their designs and functionality during an assembly in the gym.

There are plans to repeat this event throughout the year!

Jason Gill, Principal, Bert Bowes Middle School



AO Advance 2024 – Camp Cameron

All of our district’s administration officers (principals & vice-principals), operations managers and senior staff gathered for meetings and activities on August 22 & 23 in preparation for the upcoming school year.