Link for Kindergarten registration
Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)
** click here to see the full Framework Plan
Student Learning – Intellectual Development
The Guided Reading Lesson: Breaking it down
Learning Services is offering a three-part series about guided reading with a focus on K-3. Two portions are virtual and the third is in person on the January 31st NID with a focus on centres. Teachers are welcome to sign up for one, two or all sessions. Please refer to the link and poster for registration and details.
Session 1 – Thursday, January 16th 3:30-5:00 pm via Zoom.
Student Learning – Human & Social Development
Generation Health Community
A FREE healthy lifestyles program for children 8-12 years old & their families: Offered by the YMCA
My name is Lindsay, and I facilitate the Generation Health Community program offered by YMCA BC – Prince George. Generation Health Community is a FREE 10-week program for families with children 8-12 years old (siblings of all ages are welcome to join). Program session includes fun physical activities, one family cooking class, Q&As with health professionals, and many other resources for parents. Families also receive a recreation credit gift card for physical activity (based on program attendance and participation). Generation Health Community is free to attend, thanks to the funding provided by the B.C. Ministry of Health.
Here is a promo that I did for CKPG this fall about the Generation Health Community program
Weekly sessions are on Thursday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm from January 23-March 27, 2025. We are running via Zoom to reach as many communities in Northern B.C. as possible.
To register, you can visit
Student Learning – Career & Skill Development
Education and Employers is delighted to share the menu of virtual careers activities that we are hosting from January until Spring Break, as part of the British Columbia Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Future Ready Action Plan.
Featuring activities for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8, linking to skilled trades, tackling stereotypes and the skills needed in work, to bespoke educator training sessions on careers learning. To view the full calendar and register for these events, follow the link below:
Consider Teaching as a Career!
The Alaska Highway Consortium on Teacher Education (AHCOTE) is still open for applications for anyone interested in becoming a teacher.
Please click here for more information.
The application deadline for starting the program in September is January 31, 2025.
People Development
SD60 Annual Staff Christmas Dinner & Dance 2024
A long-standing tradition was upheld this past December with the Annual Staff Christmas Dinner & Dance to bring together employees from all departments and roles.
As usual, we were greeted by some SD60 Band ensembles, which was a delightful way to begin the evening.
ART HUB for SD60 Staff
ERASE Online Courses Available to Everyone
Establishing Safe, Caring, & Respectful Digital Communities
Everyone Welcome!
Upcoming Remote Sessions:
*Please click on the specific date you would like to register for:
Recommended for Parents/Caregivers/Grandparents and youth aged 10 and up as a way to facilitate the conversation of safe and caring use of technology at home and in the community. (60 minute session)
This session covers all things digital, from how to be a good digital citizen, the criminal consequences of cyberbullying, and how to report and receive support in cases of sexting/sextortion.
Some of the most prominent concerns currently surrounding use of social media platforms, smartphones, and artificial intelligence will be discussed.
Truth & Reconciliation
Bert Bowes Connections to Indigenous Practices
In all PE classes, students have been learning Indigenous traditional dancing and pow wow drumming. These sessions not only teach important skills but also deepen students’ understanding and appreciation of Indigenous traditions.
In addition, the school has created opportunities for students to build connections during lunchtime by sharing tea and bannock. This communal time fosters a sense of belonging and community among students while celebrating Indigenous culture.
Special thanks to the Bert Bowes team—Mel Carew, Megan Bell, Tanis Bourgeois, and Diane Barclay and Roberta Chouinard from the District Indigenous Education Department for their collaboration and efforts in getting this initiative off the ground.
Carleen Andrews, Director of Instruction
“Take 3”
North Peace Secondary School
Matilda – The Musical
In December, Ted Sloan and his Musical Theatre group, along with David Price’s talented band students delivered magnificent performances of Matilda at the NP Cultural Centre.
Teambuilding began in September, casting was the 3rd week of September and then rehearsals were ongoing for the next two months. There were eighty-six (86) students involved between the Musical Theatre class, Stagecraft class and extra-curricular Pit Band. Rie Sasaki, a guest teacher, played our piano as well as guest musicians, who were former students. Shauna Milne assisted with choreography.
We had some help …
- Two of our NPSS EA’s, Candice Attfield and Attrina Booth, helped with various tasks.
- There were 40-50 volunteers who donated their time.
- NPSS metalwork classes built three custom tables.
- NPSS textile students built us a custom costume.
- SD60 bus drivers helped transport us back and forth.
- Three engineers from Urban Foundation came in and built us a custom chalkboard.
- Numerous staff and parents helped with supervision.
- We had great community support from Murray GM, AAA Safety, Home Hardware, Rudy’s Car Wash and more who generously donated time and goods.
- The district helped us purchase state-of-the-art microphones this year, which are now a district resource that will serve us for many years to come.
The shows were all sold out with over 1,000 of our district’s students attending during the school shows. By all accounts, the shows were thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
Ted Sloan is a second generation drama teacher, having gone through the SD60 Musical Theatre program himself and was taught by none other than the current NPSS Principal, Todd Koponyas.
Bravo to our students and staff for their incredible work!
Krista Peregoodoff, Vice-Principal, North Peace Secondary School
Margaret ‘Ma’ Murray Community School
Our Early Act group of students and their teacher-sponsor, Mrs. Bracey put together seventy-one (71) Christmas gift bags for our local seniors. While delivering the gift bags, the students also sang Christmas carols.
Our NPAA (North Peace Administrators Association) members attended their annual Christmas dinner in December and generously donated all of the goodies that filled these bags. They were asked to donate any of the following items: blankets, slippers, socks, toiletries, cards, puzzle books, coffee cups, tea, coffee pods, chocolates, jams, etc.
Kathy Scheck, Principal, Margaret ‘Ma’ Murray Community School
North Peace Secondary School
Holiday Lunch for Students & Staff
Annually NPSS staff organizes and serves up a turkey lunch for the students and invited guests, which turned out to be about six hundred (600) attendees this year.
We had some help …
- Trina Davis, from our District Meals Program, spearheaded the cooking in the Foods room.
- The PAC generously donated funds to help support the luncheon.
- Tammy Koponyas (Principal’s wife) helped our administrators carve up the turkeys.
- Staff and students did all of the cleanup after the lunch.
Krista Peregoodoff, Vice-Principal, North Peace Secondary School