Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Intellectual Development
Applied Design Skills and Technologies
Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST) is part of the new BC Curriculum from K-9. It is also part of the Graduation Program that commences in Grade 10; courses offered at the secondary level are more specific to particular strands such as Electronics, Culinary Arts, Tourism and Accounting to name a few areas students can select as part of their graduation program requirements.

ADST is the ability to design, make, acquire, and apply skills and technologies. ADST is very much a hands-on learning program that provides learning opportunities for students by learning the design process; it also develops multiple skills and supports student development in the areas of problem solving, critical and creative thinking.
There are many other terms that are commonly found that are connected to the ADST curriculum including Maker Spaces and STEM. Maker spaces are locations within schools where students can make, learn and explore and share ideas using varied tools from high tech to no tech tools. STEM explores four specific areas including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in an interdisciplinary manner. Both Maker Spaces and STEM correlate well with the ADST curriculum as they all provide focus on an inter-disciplinary, cross-curricular approach that embeds design thinking.
Please click here for a slide deck that gives an overview of our ADST programs.
Graphic Design: Bert Ambrose – Mrs. London’s grade 5/6 class:

“After our success at making Remembrance Day decorations for Fort St. John Advertising & Promotion Inc, we were asked to make Christmas decorations. The students had to do a lot more planning this time, drawing windows to scale, selecting a theme, and planning their layouts. Everyone worked collaboratively with their groups and they were very proud of their designs. … each group got a chance to present their window design and explain how they wanted it to be installed.” Mrs. London
BAA Course Approvals: Art Activism 10, 11, 12
Course Synopsis:
Art activists do more than create art that is visually appealing, rather they strive to change the world around them for the better through their artwork, promoting awareness and making a difference. In this course, students will take a stand for a social issue that is relevant to our community and work to facilitate change through art. Each year, we will investigate a local and/or global issue and create large scale artworks to sell, both within the school and the greater community with the goal of fundraising for the chosen cause, where appropriate to context.
Human & Social Development

Our Social Emotional Learning teacher, Cindy McGarroch, works with school-based teams to help develop programs, structures and activities that support positive school culture. One such event is the upcoming “Great Kindness Challenge”. The link to information on this and other district-wide events and programs can be found on the SEL Blog.
New Health and Wellness Website
We are proud to announce the launch of our staff Health and Wellness website! This website contains information on employee benefits, staff discounts, our Employee and Family Assistance Program, and many more resources for Health and Wellness.
Career & Skill Development
School District 60 is proud to be one of two Chapters of Makers Making Change in British Columbia. Zee Kesler from Makers Making Change was in town to help facilitate the first build event for the chapter.
Prior to the event, Brant Churchill, Jen Andrews and Kyle Drew, 3D printed the material needed to construct the switches and the ball pen holder.
Brant Churchill’s Physics 12 class participated in the morning build event with members of Learning Services and the Association of Community Living. The Grade 12 students remained at Duncan Cran Elementary for the afternoon to give a lesson in soldering to the teachers (Elementary ADST Representatives) and build the assistive devices. See a time lapse video here.
Achievement Updates


Parents are encouraged to register their children at their catchment area school as soon as possible. This information is critical to our planning for next school year.
More information can be found on the district website: www.prn.bc.ca
Truth & Reconciliation

The new teacher resource can be found here. It includes a section at the back called “Backgrounders”. These one-page topics give an excellent background into the history and structures of BC First Nations. One of these documents has been attached to the public references for the board meeting.
“Take 3”
Three examples of dynamic learning and fun from around the district

Tower garden at Taylor Elementary School
“We have been learning about the basic needs of living things, parts of plants, seasonal and weather changes, and First Peoples’ use of plants. About 2 months ago, we planted seeds in our Tower Garden. We have been making daily observations and noting the growth of our plants. Today, in the middle of a snowstorm, we were able to harvest a variety of lettuce, arugula, kale, chives, and dill. The students took turns washing and cutting the vegetables. We also made a dressing using the fresh dill and chives. We added carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes to our salad.
At snack time, we shared our salad. The students were excited to eat the salad and are looking forward to seeing what else will grow (we also planted bok choy, cucumber, tomatoes, green beans, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, and lavender).” Mrs. Taillefer, Kindergarten Class.

“North Peace Secondary School is proud to state that the Musical Theatre class successfully produced the timeless classic Grease with over 80 students! Under the direction of Emry Mika and Nadine Aulin, over 60 students united to dance in large choreographed numbers, sing rich harmonies and ultimately, perform together. The elaborate set and iconic car was built under the direction of Nick Everett with over 20 stagecraft crew; they worked tirelessly to keep everyone and everything together- a little duct tape goes a long way.

Every year NPSS tasks a musical production that it has been proud of. In recent years the number of students joining both theatre and crew has grown to the point where a Stage Craft class was introduced to the program this year again. It is quite exciting to watch this program thrive and with that development bring more arts classes, such as dance and choir, to our already booming arts community at NPSS” Mr. Pauls, Principal

Collecting boughs to make Christmas Wreaths at Upper Halfway School.
“Here is Head teacher Stevie Frempong at UH gathering materials for Christmas wreaths with the K-2 class. Also pictured is our new EA and bus driver Rudi Messerschmidt.”
Mr Bell, Director of Instruction