** A Reminder to the public to please follow school speed zones as several students are attending on-site.
** Additional updates related to COVID-19 can be found on our district website.
Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Intellectual Development
Continuity of Learning Plan: Stage 3 Re-entry plans

- As per the BC Restart Plan, SD60 is planning for a Stage 3 return to in-class instruction the week of June 1st.
- Safety First. All WorksafeBC, Public Health and Ministry of Education requirements are in place for Stage 3.
- The models entail offering 2 days a week at the elementary level (K-Grade 5) and 1 day per week at the middle/secondary level (Grades 6-12).
- For elementary (K-Grade 5), up to half of the students will attend on Tuesday and Wednesday while the other half will attend on Thursday and Friday. Mondays will be used to support remote-learning for those students not attending.
- Attendance will be staggered to ensure no more than 50% density at any given time at the elementary level (K-Grade 5) and 20% at the middle/secondary level (Grades 6-12).
- For remote learning, the quantity of work and contacts with the family will be reduced.
- Schools are in the process of connecting with families to find out which students are coming back the week of June 1st. Attendance is optional.
- The schools and the District continue to plan the logistics around transportation, access to the buildings, etc.
- Service to vulnerable students and the children of Essential Services Workers is available up to 5 days per week – in consultation with the child’s home school.
Early Learning Initiatives
SD60 staff has worked to provide a series of videos and extension activities for families who have students entering Kindergarten in September. They are great resources for young children of any age and our schools will be using them as they reach out to parents as part of their “Welcome to Kindergarten” program.
Early Learning Support Videos
Human & Social Development
Health & Wellness Sessions

Teachers continue to check-in with their students and address social and emotional learning goals as best they can. Many vulnerable students have been receiving support in-person for the last few weeks.

Supporting our Indigenous Students during COVID-19
Brief summary of some of the reach-outs/supports that the Indigenous Support Workers and the District Indigenous department have been doing during COVID
- Students: zoom calls, teachers, staff, Indigenous Ed Dept, Google classroom, Google Hangouts, email Learn 60, meet & greet, in-person, 1:1 w/physical distancing
- Parents: Phone calls, texting, email
- Discussing Meal Programs
- Dropping off and picking up student learning packages
- Indigenous Principal keeping in touch with community Elders
- Lunch Club – medicine wheel teachings, etc.
- Meeting outside on school playground or at their home
- 70% of students now attending at AH on-site are Indigenous
- Administrator & ISSW picking up and dropping off student, taking her to school, she’s catching up on her work and feeling good about it; the 1:1 time is appreciated
- Indigenous cultural contest – students are to do a video doing a cultural experience, 2-4 minutes long, send in videos, looking for quality videos and experiences . Prizes 1st-3rd
- ISSW recording stories “Cultural Story Time” videos to give to teachers to share with their classes, i.e. Jingle Dancer book. Next focus will be on the Seven Teachings
- ISSWs are participating and recording moosehide tanning with Elder Mabel Harding
- ISSWs beading feathers on moosehide for Gr 8 Upper Pine transitioning students
- NPSS YCWs are making welcome cards to the Gr 9 & ELC Gr 10’s transitioning to NPSS next year
- Grade 6 Learning Journeys – for vulnerable transitioning students to middle school STBM w/student and parent(s)
- Capstone Gr 12 students are a priority for some staff
- Gr 4’s are making a little tipi and we will make a diorama representing Doig Day
- Family Photo/Scavenger Hunt – early June for one week focuses on Indigenous culture, encourage family participation, learn about our community, mostly outdoor activity
- Youth Care Workers at Bert Bowes are doing individual tours for the Grade 6’s
- Indigenous Education Centre New Facebook Page
- Contact we have had with the bands during this time
- Indigenous Education Advisory Council updates and deliveries
- May 21 Indigenous Education Advisory Council 2020-21 Preliminary Budget Zoom Meeting
- Indigenous Principal communicating with Band Ed Coordinators/Managers
- During an ISSW/YCW meeting, Indigenous Principal called Blueberry Education Manager, Patsy Greyeyes, to clarify their lockdown procedures and how we could best support student’s school work delivery.
- ISSW’s/YCW have been contacting bands in regards for meals program (band)
- ISSW contact band through the Doig Facebook page (private members only), she lets band members know what is happening at the school
- Teachers have been in contact with Education Coordinators through text, calls, and email
- IEC staff are making sure students are getting their student work packages out, some issues in returning of finished assignments. But some bands are doing well in returning packages
- It has been problematic with bands being on full lockdown, but we have to follow their direction and respect their decision to keep their band members safe.
- Some bands have been in regular communication with Indigenous Transition Coaches and Support Teachers.
Nanaskomon Kakike (Forever Grateful), Pat Jansen
Pat Jansen, Principal of Indigenous Education, submitted the following Facebook post from a parent who appreciates the wonderful support her son is receiving from our Bert Bowes Indigenous Support Teacher Erin Gotzke! …. Thanks and Nanaskomon Kakike (Forever Grateful)

Prespatou Elem-Jr Secondary
Mr. Wollen, a teacher, is sending out a video every Monday to help with the mental health of his students.
Career & Skill Development
BAA Course (Makers Making Change 12) – submitted for Board approval
SD60 MakerSpace Night Owl Project
Some of our ADST videos are now being profiled on the Skills Ready BC website
Operations / HR
Buick Creek School
- Previous staffing challenges led to other options being made available to families of the 17 elementary students that were previously registered there. This included attending Prespatou School, Upper Pine School or registering with the Key Learning Center for a hybrid distance education program. Most families elected to follow the hybrid distance education program for the 2019-20 school year.
- While staffing challenges continue, we will be able to offer on-site instruction for the 2020-21 school year with teachers commuting from town. The program will be administered by the Key Learning Center and will include four days of on-site instruction along with a day of remote instruction and support.
- The students and staff will follow the regular district calendar.
AHCOTE Program
- For Fall 2020, SFU cancelled the offering due to insufficient student numbers. The plan is to offer AHCOTE in Fall 2021. This may have implications for our teacher staffing pool in the new year.
Post April Employment and Compensation Continuity
- Following the April 27th letter from the Province of BC that signalled an end to the full salary support for all public sector employees, the District engaged with its CUPE union partner to determine any changes to staffing levels.
- Following an agreed-upon process, 25 CUPE employees took a temporary full-time leave and 24 took a part-time temporary leave. This is out of a group that includes over 400 employees.
- With the advent of Stage 3 back-to-school plans, several of these employees will be recalled.
SCHOOL CHARGES 2020-2021 – for approval by the Board
Truth & Reconciliation
Attached to the public agenda is “Backgrounder #4“, which gives some information on the language and oral traditions of Indigenous Peoples.
“Take 3”
Upper Pine Elem-Jr Secondary
Three projects were done at home: a birchbark canoe by Charly King, a lever machine by Sam Dyksterhuis, & a density experiment by Jack Smith.

Scavenger Hunt!
Jayden L., from Mr. Platzer’s class at Alwin Holland, came up with the idea to make a scavenger hunt after he found an Easter egg hunt. As a project last week he worked on different hints so that the families of FSJ could have some fun during COVID 19. The first clue started at Save On Foods. Jayden would like to thank Amber Nurse who made the flower stickers for him, all the places he was able to put up the clues, and also the front line workers. Thank you, Jayden! Thank you everyone and have a great hunt!
District Band Program director, Sabrina Brooks, brought a few colleagues together for the MEXICAN HAT DANCE ….
Bus Drivers
Lisa Wiebe has been picking up garbage on the 271 road along her bus route. Janet Peterson has been making bird feeders equipped with suction cups that attach to the outside of windows so that seniors can enjoy the birds. Barb Scobie is still creating kitten mats (she is in mass production mode now). Hank Glover spends his free time at the computer designing more cards to send out to the senior. Arlene Myers and her husband are still fishing for the seniors. Laverne McEachern and Rosemary Baldry are on a telephone campaign to reach out to seniors in their communities as are many others. The homemade meals and baking are being delivered on a regular basis. To date 820 cards and letters have been delivered.

Duncan Cran Elementary

Here is a picture of the food support that we are sending out to support 20 families this week. We have received a tremendous amount of gratitude from the families for the support we are providing. The recipe cards with all the ingredients included to make the meal with their families have been a hit. We would like to make sure that you realize how much of a difference “we as a school district” are making to help our community.
Thank you for your support from the district … from Mr. Peet, Principal, Duncan Cran
Anne Roberts Young Elementary

Greg from Yellowridge (in his spare time) coordinated the construction and install of a large heart shaped sign (donated material and labor). His intent is to acknowledge everyone for their efforts in the battle against Covid in particular showing appreciation for the front line workers and recognizing the seniors in the hospital or care home(s).