** Additional updates related to COVID-19 can be found on our district website. The graphic below is a reminder of what the various stages mean. These criteria may be changed by the Public Health Office and the Ministry of Education prior to September startup.
** We do not expect a provincial announcement on which stage will be in effect until August. We are planning for stage 1, but will be prepared for other stages as well. We look forward to welcoming ALL our students back in September in whatever form that takes.

Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
Intellectual Development
DISTRICT BAND PROGRAM – Normally the band students would get their awards in front of hundreds of district staff, parents, students and other audience members. Since we could not do that this year, we borrowed a studio audience straight from Hollywood and filmed our own awards show for them!
Please honour them by watching – we have students from most elementary schools, both middle schools and high schools represented.
ElementarySchools – https://youtu.be/CNr45QXDpT0
MiddleSchools – https://youtu.be/uI_9lkzQK_s
High Schools – https://youtu.be/yZWZTTP0BfM
FULL SD60 Band Awards – https://youtu.be/xnBCDvJZ-sc
Human & Social Development
The District has put together tips and resources for teachers and parents in relation to navigating the anxiety of school startup. Please check out the tip sheet attached.
Career & Skill Development
ADST Summer and Beyond – The District has partnered with the Fort St John Public Library to create 20 project kits that can be signed out by families. Through grant funding, we were able to purchase tools and glue guns that make up these project kits. The library is also preparing 3 kits that correspond specifically to the ADST project videos that the Careers Department has put out.

ADST – Moneca’s MakerSpace Weekly Project – Felt Puppet – https://www.prn.bc.ca/curric/?p=1272
BAA Courses – for approval by the Board
- BAA Health Science – Public Health 12
- BAA Health Science II – Patient Care & Medical Services 12
- BAA Health Science – Nursing 12
- BAA Health Science – The Whole Individual 12
- BAA Hospitality & Tourism 2B – Hotel & Restaurant Management 12
- BAA Hospitality & Tourism 2A – Hotel & Restaurant Management 12
- BAA Health I – Life Management Skills 12
- BAA Restaurant Management 12
- BAA Access – Office Fundamentals Skills 12
- BAA Excel – Office Fundamentals Skills 12
- BAA Outlook – Office Fundamentals Skills 12
- BAA PowerPoint – Office Fundamentals Skills 12
- BAA Word – Office Fundamentals Skills 12
- BAA Astronomy 1A: Introduction 11
- BAA Astronomy 1B: Exploring the Universe 12
Operations / HR
Online Services and Supports for Staff through “Lifespeak” – Staff get free access through a login and password to access information and support for personal health and wellness. This information is disseminated monthly through our HR department.

Recruitment of new teachers for September – The District has hired 21 new teachers for the Fall and has been in contact with them during the pandemic. They are all looking forward to coming to our region. Overall, while we continue to recruit staff for some specialty positions, the number of applications has been robust and we are in a very good position for September startup.
Truth & Reconciliation
National Indigenous People’s Day: June 21, 2020
Please click on the link below to learn more about how this national holiday is celebrated around the country:
Local Education Agreements (LEA) – School District No. 60 is proud to move forward on these agreements with our three local bands: Halfway River First Nation, Doig River First Nation and the Blueberry River First Nations. This is a funding and education agreement that will ensure District and First Nations collaboration on the success of our First Nation students.

Dane-zaa Coloring Book – made by the SD60 Language Committee at the Indigenous Education Centre and the Language was approved by elders from the Doig River First Nation. Pronunciation and links to First Voices are at the back. Also available is a colouring book for older students in Dane-zaa. Cree numbers and animals and a colouring book for older students is also available using the same pictures as the Dane-zaa books. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c3ELS-crWUIrUGwK39BEzEk_cvZxDkpDP78I-1Yit_g/edit?ts=5ed80971#slide=id.g775af399c3_0_64
“Take 3”
MMMCS (Margaret Ma Murray Community School) – Over the course of 2 years, we have had a focus on building community while providing food for families. Vulnerable students worked with staff to start seeds for our garden cubes back in April/May. With students in the school over the last 6 weeks, we began to see a need to do SEL/ADST with them. We combined our talents, built more food cubes with the kids, built mason bee houses and planted the produce we grew with students. We now have 7 food cubes. These food cubes allow a healthy activity within our school day to plan, water, weed for SEL breaks. They are providing learning opportunities as staff engage with students and teach them about pollination, food production, growing, lifecycles, carpentry, gardening, etc. It also provides alternative activities during recess and lunch for students/staff where they are outside engaging in a healthy activity of watering/planting.

Essential Services Workers In-School Support Program
Testimonials from the parents ….
“Thank you so much for everything you guys have done. We really appreciate it!!! My son had a great time and it took a huge weight off my shoulders during this hectic time.”
“Thank you, my daughter loved it! She had so much fun.”
Charlie Lake Elementary – “Lakers” first week back …
Bert Ambrose Elementary – Families have had the opportunity to adopt a garden bed to help beautify our school grounds. The Mervyn-Mumma family prepared the soil and planted their two garden beds. The look of pride and accomplishment from Max Mumma (Gr 2) shows how much he enjoyed this activity.
